

5/28(THU) 00:00台北出發,05:30屏東東港到達,身為換手的兩位駕駛之最佳聊伴的我只有昏過去不到半小時=>狂睡到九點半起來後跟奶奶、跟小叔小嬸小堂弟打招呼=>殺去跟外公外婆姨婆打招呼=>回奶奶家吃奶奶包的粽子(永遠讚!)當午餐=>約莫13:00跟著三叔三嬸帶著兩個小堂妹驅車前往高雄高鐵站,送走小朋友去搭高鐵我們再開車到台中與中部幫會合=>途中接到指示車頭一轉沿著國道六號直衝南投埔里=>約莫18:00埔里會合到路邊「牛相觸」花園餐館填晚餐(推!)再到路邊山嵐旅館把六大兩小三狗塞進一晚$3,000的六人房,11:00全體躺平(在眾人身上恣意踩踏的三狗不包含在內)
5/29(FRI) 07:00起床08:30六大兩小三狗通通刷洗完畢吃飽喝足殺向溪頭森林遊樂區=>塞塞塞到約莫11:30終於進入園區,12:30山產填完肚子後開始狗遛人走到腳斷掉之九公里不要命縱走=>17:30確定六大兩小三狗全部氣力放盡於是回頭塞塞塞回台中市區=>19:45在一人先遣部隊進駐15分鐘後蝗蟲大隊陸續正式抵達小肥牛中科店肆虐=>21:20禁不起小堂妹用淚水發出的抗議我們維持原定計畫兵分三路衝向閤家歡(一人先遣部隊二度發威,另一路先去買伴手再一路先去接三狗)然後老歌新歌大亂鬥歡唱至00:45=>到飯店梳洗完畢躺平的我們這一間關燈時間02:20;
5/30(SAT) 06:30萬般不願意把自己敲醒再把身旁的兩小搖醒出發衝向台北,沒有,這整趟我又幹了負責陪兩位換手的駕駛聊天所以自己完全沒有得睡的事情=>09:30政大到著,三叔一家莫名的精力十足續衝九份金瓜石=>開信箱看東西到中午吃飽後痠軟無力服老的去睡覺一路安穩到17:30=>弟弟到家、陪爸媽出門吃晚餐後19:00坐捷運殺向淡水公主號遊艇生日趴!=>11:45認命的發現真的已經沒有捷運可以回家了只好請小黃來救命,政大再到著時間00:45。


If You Were There....

when I was on the cruise, enjoying the night view by the river, celebrating Zoye's birthday.....
Indeed, I miss our night view.

when I was surrounded by greens, chirping birds and fresh air that full of natural fragrance.....
Indeed, I miss our greens in summer.

when I was surprised by this and that part of my unplanned journey, tasted something really delicious, found something so creative and interesting.....
Indeed, I miss the time I could shout out to share with you, and see your smile or hear your voice to know that I have successfully entertained you yet again.

If you were there.
If you were here.
with me.


G Sports Night - Basketball + Badminton!

Last time when I played basketball...... junior high..... I played for 30 minutes tonight!
Last time when I played badminton..... university...... I played for 60 minutes tonight!
Yes! I played with my G co-workers in 南港運動中心(Nangang Sports Center) after work. What a sweaty evening!

I made several stupid mistake when I played the basketball. Thank God I've told everyone how bad I was and how poor my knowledge about the rules was. Sometimes I still felt ashamed, but well, there was nothing much I could do to become an expert basketball player. It was not my style....

When Judy finally arrived and was ready to play badminton with me, I felt saved! Badminton (and rock climbing, maybe?) was almost the only sport I could play well. At least my skills was "equal to or above the standard." I was surprised to find that my skills were still fair. Seriously I should consider keep the routine to play badminton, so I could stay fit and stay healthy. But you know what? I would need to find partners.....

Anyways, I find another reason to LOVE my G experience, again. See, it's an environment you have to "sweat" to enjoy it fully :D







[FW]An Engineer's Guide to Cats- So Funny!

You have to check it out! The way the engineers describe cats is hilarious. And one of the cats looks like my Pipi! Enjoy~


Being A Googler Means....

  • professional, comprehensive training within a very short time by trainers from overseas (US & Swiss) offices and local (TW) office
  • flexible work, rest and dining time- just make sure you can get your task done!
  • colorful, creative, Google-style designs are everywhere around you in the office
  • every single minute you are chasing after time, because you have co-workers working everywhere in the world. They may
    1)throw an issue out to be discussed/solved;
    2)be waiting for you for a video conference;
    3)request a favor from you using internal Gtalk (called differently);
    4)fly over to be with you for couple of days before he/she fly to the next office to talk with the local team over there
  • there are always "visiting Googler" around in the conference room and some departments. He/she bases in P office, is originally from Q country, and speaks RSTUV language
  • you don't want to miss Sports Night, TGIF, the fruit plates (TPE limited!)
  • you don't want to screw A THING. NOT A SINGLE ONE. Every decision you make, every move you take, every thought you get can make a HUGE difference TO THE WORLD
  • surprises are so common, just like air


2010 Harvard WorldMUN@Taipei

From Thomas Chang, I got to know that NTUMUN (National Taiwan University Model United Nations) bid for the Harvard WorldMUN Conference since 10 years ago when they went to Athen, Greece for the Conference. Ten years of struggle and efforts paid off finally!

I attended the Conference in Brazil (2002), Germany (2003) and Egypt (2004) as a delegate and help initiated the international conference inside NTU (2004) and the 1st NTU Model UN Conference for university students islandwide in 2005. I deeply felt proud of our joint achievement and the great efforts made by the current NTUMUNers.

March 15-19, 2010, come join 1,800 students from 50 countries, 200 universities here in Taipei, Taiwan for Harvard WorldMUN Conference!

Official announcement from Harvard WorldMUN-->http://www.worldmun.org/welcome/

Dear Delegates and Faculty Advisors,

My name is Ami Nash and as the newly elected Secretary-General of the Harvard World Model United Nations team, it is my distinct privilege to invite you to the 19th session of World Model United Nations (WorldMUN). Additionally, on behalf of the Harvard team, I am pleased to announce to all members of the WorldMUN community that after days of careful deliberation, we have decided that next year's conference will be held in Taipei from Monday, March 15 to Friday, March 19, 2010 at the Taipei International Convention Center. Although all of the bids we received this year were impressive, we were particularly impressed by the creativity and dedication to the 'WorldMUN Spirit' displayed by the team from National Taiwan University.

This past year, more than 2400 delegates from over 50 countries gathered in The Hague embracing an environment of cross-cultural exchange that is unparalleled among Model UN conferences. WorldMUN aims to continue its tradition of excellence in 2010, leveraging the resources of Harvard University and extremely passionate local hosts, to uphold its reputation as one of the finest Model United Nations conferences in the world. Staffed by Harvard students and students from the local host team, WorldMUN is unique among MUN conferences in the depth, breadth, and quality of its substantive debate – along with its truly international character. This year we are proud to offer twenty-two committees, including WorldMUN's first Spanish-Language committee along with its first Joint Crisis Cabinet – an intensive interactive specialized agency focused on the situation in Sri Lanka.

Of course, WorldMUN would not be complete without the social and cultural experience. With the world's highest skyscraper, neoned street life, dozens of world-class restaurants where gourmets can sample delicious regional cuisine, along with incense-veiled temples dating back to dynastic times, and some of the world's best collections of Chinese historical artifacts, Taipei is a world of fascinating contrasts—a blending of the modern and the traditional. I can assure you that the Taipei team is working to organize events that will allow you to enjoy the vibrant culture of their city by day and night, while interacting with other delegates from across the globe.

As you may have noticed, WorldMUN will be held a week earlier in March this year, as a result of a change in Harvard's academic calendar. We hope that the new dates will allow many universities to plan for WorldMUN with greater ease, as they are closer to many universities' spring break schedules. With that said, we hope that the new dates will not conflict with any other commitments your team may have, and if the calendar change does present any potential problems, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

We are also acutely aware of the effect that the global financial crisis may have on many of the universities and students wishing to attend. It has always been our firm belief that financial constraints should not prevent students from attending WorldMUN, and we have therefore decided to significantly expand our already substantial financial aid program. We urge any schools considering applying for a scholarship to get in touch with questions; we will be posting our financial aid and fee waiver guidelines to this website in August.

Information on how to apply for WorldMUN will be posted to a newly revamped website (www.worldmun.org) in July, and registration will open in August. Please be sure to check back to the website this summer for further updates. Until then, I encourage you to email me (secretarygeneral@worldmun.org) with any questions or concerns you may have —I would love to hear from you all! I look forward to meeting you in Taipei in March!


Ami Nash
Harvard World Model United Nations 2010


[轉載] 張成秀,從女工到Google總經理


從北一女到台大外文系, 史丹福MBA畢業...擔任過數家知名外商公司的高階主管,目前是Google台灣、香港區的業務總經理,張成秀,這位業界人士眼中的傑出女性,攤開她的 履歷表,就像是一幅台灣企業菁英的完美速寫...然而頂著卓越成就的光環背後,張成秀卻有一段令人意外的坎坷童年,父親破產自殺,哥哥送進精神病院,很難 想像這樣慘綠的成長歲月,居然造就出她開朗正面的處事態度...她的故事充滿動人的淚水,而透過她的積極向上,如今淚珠都幻化成一顆顆美麗的珍珠...完整原文


Pipi Update: My Room As His Playground... Sleepground?!

Example number 1: My closet. Pipi came into my room, opened the closet door himself, jumped onto my plastic box and comfortably slept on it.

Example number 2: My desk. Again, he jumped onto my desk, pushed away all "obstacles" and made room for himself. Then, you know what happened: Pipi slept.
How can I not love him?










From 0904-Back In Taiwan
From 0904-Back In Taiwan

紮紮實實的,回到我熟悉,溫暖的家 :)



他們曾經是這樣寵著我,而我知道,他們 還會繼續這樣的寵著我。



I Miss Music

I miss the music, and that links to you.
Miss old times, all the stories and the touching moments.
Irreplaceable. Unforgettable.

I love the moments when I heard some music and recognized them immediately.
I feel proud of myself and I feel like a great student.
I love the new joys you've brought to my life.
I hope to continue the journey steadily, but it's a dream too hard to be fulfilled.

When I asked for music, what that meant was far beyond than asking for music only.
You would understand. You could.












親愛的我的媽媽,我還記得園長介紹我的時候有提到「這是校長從國外念完書回來陪媽媽過母親節的女兒」。還沒有重回經濟自立之列的我現在不敢隨意花你們的錢準備甚麼大禮送妳,希望您體諒,女兒終於回到妳身邊,陪妳過節、跟妳黏在一起慶祝落在母親節隔天的五十大壽,就是我所能想到最棒最棒的禮物了 :)


Pour All Functions in Your Laptop to Your Mobile

This magazine advertisement not only "tells" you the story, but also allows you to "play" with the idea. Brilliant! Thanks to 外星人看廣告, I saw this Brazilian ads. I thought it is very clear and will not bore the readers, but I am wondering how much it might cost to produce such an ads, how many clients could/would willing to invest, and the most important thing: how effective is it? Does this ads successfully trigger the readers to check more information about the mobile phone, and even eventually purchase the product? In another word, how effective is this ads?

Also from this idea we could find out that it indeed is harder than before to produce "print" ads. Magazines have started to have those "smell it" pages for perfumes for a long time (special paper length/width for that page and special technique to contain the smell), and now the ads provided more interactions with the reader (plastic cover, embedded items). Good luck and salute to all advertisers!






  1. 政治相關:因為他們可以用母語親切的了解另一種方向的政治思想/史/運作
  2. 商學相關:尤其鎖定了解台灣中小企業的發展生態,尋找可能的套用模式(目前的中國也越來越走向巨大企業經營模式,不過中小企業其實滿坑滿谷,才是經濟活力所在啊~)
  3. 媒體相關:因為中國的傳媒受到的限制極大,雖然我們的媒體環境也沒多好.....但是至少可以給予充分刺激、(同一點)讓他們用母語探索所謂的媒體自由運作是怎麼一回事


Karaoke with Mom, Enjoy 城裡的月光


詞/曲:陳佳明 編曲:Eddie Mazuki

每顆心上某一個地方 總有個記憶揮不散
每個深夜某一個地方 總有著最深的思量
世間萬千的變幻 愛把有情的人分兩端
心若知道靈犀的方向 哪怕不能夠朝夕相伴

城裡的月光把夢照亮 請溫暖他心房
看透了人間聚散 能不能多點快樂片段
城裡的月光把夢照亮 請守護他身旁
若有一天能重逢 讓幸福撒滿整個夜晚


超專業的路人-大家一起跳"真善美"主題曲Do Re Mi


上午八點人來嚷往的中央車站,每個人不是趕著上班就是上學,但空中卻飄來茱莉安德魯絲演唱「Do Re Mi」的嘹喨歌聲,接著便看到一對父女,開始跳起電影裡的「Do Re Mi」舞蹈,其後一個接一個的路人也紛紛加入,最後成了集合200個人的龐大陣容,在中央車站大跳「Do Re Mi」。



To companies who possess, or are passionate about obtaining and maintaining global reputation, Wendy is the diligent and professional digital marketer who is experienced in digital marketing, is always energetic about solving challenges in the new media field to help the business grow, and can optimize her contributions by utilizing her multilingual and multicultural background.